Call for papers
We invite substantial, original, and unpublished submissions on all topics related to the production of referring expressions.
Contributions may focus on computational or experimental approaches to reference, with combinations of the two especially appreciated. Note that we particularly welcome new results, but given the purpose of the workshop, papers that present an original overview of previously published work tailored to this workshop may also be acceptable.
Topics of interest include computational and/or experimental approaches to:
- different kinds of referring expressions; when are which types of reference (pronouns, descriptions, etc.) most appropriate?
- plural and quantified references
- vagueness: the use of vague (e.g. gradable) predicates in referring expressions
- referential overspecification: why and how do speakers overspecify?
- referential underspecification: production of descriptions which do not uniquely identify a referent
- referring expressions in interactive settings; audience design, adaptation and alignment
- ambiguity avoidance in references
- common ground, cooperativeness and shared/private information in reference
- realization of referring expressions (including speech and gesture)
- visual scene perception and its influence on the production of referring expressions
- social and contextual factors in reference
- data-collection and experimental evaluation method
Extended abstract submission:
Paper selection will be based on extended abstracts (max 2000 words).
The only accepted format for submitted abstracts is Adobe PDF.
Abstracts should be sent to Kees van Deemter (
Final submission:
Upon acceptance, authors are invited to prepare a 4-6 page paper using the CogSci author kit. Final versions need to be submitted as PDF. Papers will be published in on line proceedings, and the authors retain the copyrights. Final versions of accepted papers should be sent to Kees van Deemter (
Special Issue
We hope to edit a special issue based on the workshop results. More information about this will follow.
If authors have any questions, they should contact the workshop organizers.